CDUAA President (2018-2021)
It is an honor being a graduate of Cebu Doctors' University's College of Dentistry. However, it is a greater
honor to have served as your Cebu Doctors' University Alumni Association President from 2018 to 2021.
If you were to visit the university today, you would observe the same spirit and continuous updating of our
teaching, research, and laboratories that produces topnotchers in each college it represents. Nonetheless,
what makes us most proud are the core values that each graduate carries beyond the university's walls;
and God being above all things.
When my term began, I had to come up with ideas for projects that would enhance our students' belief and practice of the CDU core values. There is no guarantee that we will be able to track our graduates once they leave the University; yet, owing to the University's tracer program, we can all stay connected. Our alumni poll received an overwhelmingly positive response, which highlights the alumni's continued commitment to CDU.
We should be proud to be a part of CDU and take advantage of the different opportunities and programs offered by the University. May the good Lord bless us all. |